3deuropeanroulette| The average price of corn in Northeast China is 2,297.5 yuan/ton: the cost of storing grain has increased, and the market's reluctance to sell has increased

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[Corn price increases in Northeast China are limited]

The latest monitoring data shows that the average price of corn in Northeast China reached 2,297 on May 223deuropeanroulette.5 yuan/ton, a month-on-month increase of 1.1% in the same period last week3deuropeanroulette.27%。

Due to the cost of storing grain by traders in Northeast China3deuropeanrouletteThe rise in stock and the lower inventory level than the same period last year have increased traders 'reluctance to sell, resulting in a decrease in the supply of corn on the market.

At present, some grain warehouses, northern port traders and downstream companies have begun to raise prices slightly to stimulate corn purchases, which has become an important factor driving price increases.

3deuropeanroulette| The average price of corn in Northeast China is 2,297.5 yuan/ton: the cost of storing grain has increased, and the market's reluctance to sell has increased

However, as downstream companies remain cautious in purchasing, it is expected that terminal demand will not increase significantly in the short term, which leads to3deuropeanrouletteThe transaction volume of high-priced corn was small.

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