lottojackpottodayresult| 48 shares are favored, and the increase in capital holdings in the north exceeds 100 million yuan

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News summary

48 shares were favored, and the increase in holdings of northbound funds exceeded 100 million yuan. Securities Times News, on April 26, the net purchase of northbound funds was 224.lottojackpottodayresult.49 billion yuan, which was the third consecutive trading day of net purchases, of which the net purchase of Shenzhen Stock Connect was 11.126 billion yuan, and the net purchase of Shanghai Stock Connect was 11.323 billion yuan. Securities Times? Data treasure statistics...

Newsletter text

48 shares were favored, and the increase in holdings of northbound funds exceeded 100 million yuan. Securities Times News reported that on April 26, the net purchase of northbound funds was 22.449 billion yuan, the third consecutive trading day of net purchases. Among them, Shenzhen Stock Connect net purchases were 11.126 billion yuan, and Shanghai Stock Connect net purchases were 11.323 billion yuan. Securities Times? Data treasure statistics show that on April 26, a total of 1881 shares increased in market value month-on-month, and 48 shares increased in market value by more than 100 million yuan. China Merchants Bank increased the largest market value, with its latest shareholding of 1.215 billion shares, a month-on-month increase of 2.38%, with the market value of 973 million yuan, followed by BYD and Ningde Times, with the market value of 796 million yuan and 754 million yuan respectively.

lottojackpottodayresult| 48 shares are favored, and the increase in capital holdings in the north exceeds 100 million yuan

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