banditsmegaways| iFlytek: Open platform and consumer business ranks as the largest business segment

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News summary

keda xunfeibanditsmegaways: Open platform and consumer business leapt to the largest business segment Securities Times e Company NewsbanditsmegawaysAccording to the 2023 annual report disclosed by iFlytek on the evening of April 22, the company's annual revenue from its open platform and consumer businesses reached 61.banditsmegaways.90 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 33banditsmegaways.4%, accounting for 31.47% of total revenue...

Newsletter text

iFlytek: The open platform and consumer business ranks as the largest business segment Securities Times e Company News, according to the 2023 annual report disclosed by iFlytek on the evening of April 22, the company's annual revenue from its open platform and consumer business reached 6.19 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 33.4%, accounting for 31.47% of total revenue. This is the first time that this business's revenue accounted for more than 30%, becoming iFlytek's largest business segment. As of the end of 2023, iFlytek's open platform has opened 647 internationally leading AI capabilities and solutions, gathering more than 5.78 million developer teams, a year-on-year increase of 52%.

banditsmegaways| iFlytek: Open platform and consumer business ranks as the largest business segment


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